Replacement 230 HP @ 2200 8YL & 9SZ 1 and up 246-8263 106 156 DEC03 316-1868,318-7014,320-0385,326-3673, (6YS1 UP) TIER II 267-7138 11 *********************************************************** on which module is being flashed could render the tractor inoperable. REPLACED 169-6305,222-9243 SEE REHS1385, D9R/3408E (7TL1038 UP) 239-4151 67 APR03 662HP@1500RPM 410 HP/1800 RPM 33 316-1733,318-7041,320-0305,326-3618, 304-8425,306-9220,308-4281,313-7221,328-3918 327-4525,333-5950,334-1293,343-5750, REPLACED 221-9293,249-0075, 3412E Industrial 263-4031 134 OCT04 624 HP/1800 RPM ***************************************************************************, 355 HP 1350 LB-FT 1800/2100 RPM 6NZ54000-UP 215-7374 120 JAN02 Service Replacement Reason latest 176-5944 176-5946 176-5945 176-5947 18-21 latest 185-2981 185-2983 185-2982 185-2984 Flash Part No. 50 HZ, 1000 RPM, IMO CERT for emission certification. SEE REHS1385, 773D/3412E (7ER1 UP) 310-1883 114 MAR07 700 @ 1800RPM REPLACED 268-4730,294-4926,331-1725, C27 EP-650EKW 60HZ ACERT 345-9195 JUL09 REPLACED 208-5761, 355 HP 1350/1450 LB-FT 1800/2100 RPM 6NZ54000-UP 215-7375 121 JAN02 Gear Fast/Run Slow (EATON 2) BRAKESAVER 5EK01184, 435 HP 1650 PT 5EK01185 126-4375 126-4377 16 JUN95 Replaced 312-1420,314-3459,315-5890, 3. 520 @ 1440 EPA LoNox Cert. 390-1820,397-4039,398-8358, C9.3 MACH-D6T TTT 451-0602 20 OCT13 4. 173HP@1800RPM Version Flash Part No. Version 523/555 HP/1800 RPM EURO3 M/T Replaced 257-3202,264-1223,289-2221, C15 EP-REG 50Hz ACERT 320-2697 Sept10 SPEED RANGE CODE REPLACEMENT CODE DATE 764 HP @ 2100 FAN-ON TEMP) 1250/1350 PT, 335/370HP MT 1800 8YS1 UP 191-9920 329 OCT 00 These chips are made available for a very small percentage of 300 HP @ 2200 7AS 1 and up 246-8232 314 NOV03 RFT Injectors 46. 230-1569 3126 Truck 275HP 800 lb-ft, 2200 RPM Date Code OCT02 Flash Part No. 138-1349 138-1350 Replaced 290-0423, 300 HP 2400 RPM 224 KW-EURO3 331-0123 76 APR08 period was inadvertently removed from some flash files. 228-5166 45, 46 w/ Factory installed 238-8091 Injectors SEP06 IC 49 300-0457 (EMERGENCY VEHICLE, RV, AND BUS ONLY), 3176B LOW NOX REBUILD SOFTWARE PARTS SERVICE ONLY (PSO), DESCRIPTION GOV S/N FLASH ITRLCK RELEASE New fuel rate map latest 229-0271 45, 46 301-5308, 775F/C27 ACERT 330-6065 5 Apr09 prelube will function the same as before, No configuration change is required when flashing over existing software. REPLACED N/A, C15 MT835 AGCO 361HP/2100 RPM 341-7346 119 NOV08 176-9733 176-9734 5,6,8,9 2300RPM TEL FIELD UPRATE ONLY 6TS00001 & UP, 500 HP 1850 PT BRAKESAVER 5EK05767-67192 185-1220 332 DEC99, 500 HP 1850 PT @ 1800/2100 5EK67193 & UP 186-9925 362 DEC99 In order to complete the Firmware Update you will be required to obtain a Temporary High Level Password 231-9981 Version Flash Part No. 16. 55. 1. Updated 6/28/01 174HP@1800RPM 810 EKW @ 1800 RPM 7 Revision 3. 231-9993 231-9994 4. transmission from switching gears constantly when Chip Version Reason Latest 255-5574 Original A3 flashfile made from 249-1801, 3508B 1573 RPM 213-9326 213-9327 latest 206-8722 4, 60 HZ, CONTINUOUS, LO BSFC 420 @ 1500 EPA Cert. FLASH File Cross-Reference." Flash Part No. Replaced 311-6998,312-1409,314-3446, 289-1282,290-2176,292-6963, The software released with reason codes 15 & 16 may have 3516B HIGH DISPLACEMENT MARINE PROPULSION APPLICATION Refer to Special Instruction REHS0532 and (Removed in reason code 4) Replaced N/A, ************************************************************************************* Primary Chip Backup Chip Reason 213-9335 fixes that were removed will be put back into the next software 160H transmission control basic homologation (1) 190-8462 190 HP 2500 RPM 142 KW-EURO3 331-0117 71 APR08 2. 236 4YZ1-UP 228-3168 10/2002 ====================================================================== 910 EKW @ 1800 RPM 86 Replaced 295-6887,319-4911, 470 HP@2100/2300 RPM EURO4 SC300001-UP 330-2023 37/137 JUN08 976 @ 1800 RPM 36 The bar will move from speed when J1-P26 is grounded. 231-9077,235-8806, 773F/C27 ACERT 330-6542 4 Apr09 to set and 0.5 second to reset, From 179-4966 to 179-8320: Add PID to display engine cold cylinder cutout status data on 600 @ 1500 RPM 35 329-3010, C9.3 MACH-12M2 Motor Grader 422-3621 78 Sep12 installing the low idle switch. module, (RHC) Right Hand Controls module| can be flashed with the later 657E/3412E (6TR199-207) Non-Dual HP Tractor. CHART A contains flash files applicable to basic MAC-14 ECMs only. NOTE: C9 335HP and 350HP 9DG 1 -700 were factory built with Injector p/n 233-3534. 966G transmission control 192-9953 Latest 242-5341 242-5342 26 1300 HP @ 1800 RPM Interlock Code = 251 J1922, 360 HP 7LG16000-UP 111-4162 NOT AVAIL 24 JUL 93 Chip Version Reason 23. 151-7170 151-7172 151-7171 151-7173 2 3176B FLASH FILE CROSS REFERENCE 305-2748,315-4987,325-9413, REPLACED 192-4858,250-8496, 3456/EPG Interlock Code: 22 262-8918 NONE NOV04 60 HZ, 1800 RPM, PRIME/PRIME+10/STANDBY, LO BSFC, JWAC 140-2451 140-2452 Implemented minimum on and off timers for the IGBT gating signals. This grace has the intended effect. REPLACED 221-9325,249-0080, 3412E Industrial 263-4036 140 OCT04 2. Replaced 180-6036, C9 MACH-336D HEX LRC 445-4922 193 AUG13 Replaced 245-3636, C32 Marine-Prop 332-9398 155 JUN08 440HP@1800RPM parameter called Auto Load and Start which will hopefully be less confusing. C15 GOV SERIAL NO. Replaced 255-6265, C18 IND-C3 TIER 419-1648 215 JUL13 Many customers knowingly operate in derate mode and the continuous light flashing is a nuisance and may disguise a new diagnostic. or ECM replacement. 316-1767,318-7035,320-0299,326-3612, 141-1838 141-1840 141-1839 141-1841 Chip Version Reason Primary Secondary Reason Code 267-1888 10 148-3649 148-3651 148-3650 148-3652 587HP@1500RPM Version Flash Part No. Pausing for operator input to appear then, perform a Ctrl< I>. 183-9244 183-9245 1,3 Latest 273-9049 13-27, 3516 Auxiliary Series II Marine (A3 ECM) IMO Cert 30. AVR Seed Removed n/a Flash Part No. Replaced 295-8815,328-5432,359-1969 241-0799,251-2222, 650HP 2050PT 2100PRM 220-4294 162 FEB02 (EMC) Electronic Monitoring Center module, (ETC) Electronic Transmission 168-8346 168-8348 168-8347 168-8349 400/425/450/475/500/525 HP @ 1800 with 156-7172 ECM 11. Replaces 287-1746,307-9701,341-8283,360-8843 of diagnostic codes of ADEM 3. 191-5019 d/t s/w for MTTT *380/430 445 1450/1550 2100 * Inlet Air Shutoff RFT Injectors Chip Version Reason 183-5067 183-5068 1,3 Service Replacement Reason 227-4867 227-4868 Version Flash Part No. 755 @ 1900 428-9771 200 NOV12, C27 Ind-A, B Tier ACERT 343-9945 Mar09 140H transmission control AUTOSHIFT 190-8461 149-3453 149-3454 149-3455 149-3456 Version 170-8468 170-8470 170-8469 170-8471 1 773D automatic retarder control (ARC) 184-5110 technicians name that will perform the update, at the time you place the call. 19 Discharge VAC Offset NA 50 HZ, 1500 RPM, CONTINUOUS, LO BSFC mentioned in Jan 28, 1998 TIB. 151-7162 151-7164 151-7163 151-7165 2 **************************************************************************************** UP, 310 HP 1150/1350PT 5EK00001 & 129-0239 129-0241 35 AUG95 engine fueling directly. Current production Flash files for the four Electronic Control Modules 259-8374 6 TOP 2 GEAR MULTITORQUE BRAKESAVER, 475/500HP 1650/1750PT 2100 RPM 6NZ1-53999 220-6660 86 MAR02 Replaced 258-8358,264-0064, REPLACES 198-3268, 575/600HP 1850/2050PT 2100RPM 7CZ1-02799 220-8245 102 MAR02 II 8TC1413-UP 310 CARB 102 0R6657-00 810 EKW @ 1800 RPM 7 Interlock Code = 287, HEP1 HEP07579 software electronically using Winflash in Cat ET. 271-2949,283-5122,291-2078, 435/500HP 1550/1650 LB-FT M/T 2100 RPM BXS02035-up 305-4510 54 NOV06 Replaced 310-8351,311-6957,314-2915, FILES FOR THESE CONTROLS ARE NOT AVAILABLE TO THE FIELD. Replaced N/A, C18 385C Hex 552 HP/1800 RPM 265-8994 4 NOV04 MARINE AUX MARINE PROPULSION REPLACED 233-1768,257-5802, 3. 295-1525,303-8732,307-1456,318-9486, *************************************************************************** Replaced 229-0423, C15/IND INTERLOCK CODE=10 316-7381 JUN07 333-5997, 525 HP 1750 LB-FT 2100 RPM LEE00001-UP 337-7354 65/165 OCT08 Version Service Replacement Then, browse the flash file in the flash tool and click on the download button. EEprom clearing for interlock mismatch Replacement Flash Part No. latest 180-1728 180-1729 16,18,21,22,23 Note: Verify that you are using the latest software release that is FML 1-UP w/ Factory installed 238-8091 Injectors NOV09 IC 55 353-8652 CAT Flash Files Encryptor Decryptor Tool. 144-3636 144-3637 254-8121 5 Service Replacement Reason on all previous 3500B EPG engines by rewiring the low idle switch. Added support for Oil Renewal System (ORS), 785C High Altitude Changes: Replaced 314-3436,316-1765,318-7033, 3s and the reset debounce to 0.5s latest 228-5180 45, 46 be programmed to a higher value. 262-3737,271-2964,283-5137,291-2093, 550 HP 1850 LB-FT 2100 PRM BXS00001-02034 242-1860 37 AUG03 SPEED RANGE FILE CODE DATE service tool and VIMS. Flash Part No. software electronically using Winflash. Fix for erroneous logging of high crankcase pressure 7. Flash Part No. Flash Part No. 60 HZ, 1800 RPM, PRIME/STANDBY, EPA CERT Flash Part No. events. Replaced 268-3701,306-6864,326-1108 Chip Version Reason w/ Factory installed 241-3238 Injectors SEP06 IC 25 300-0446 an improvement that may augment performance, engine response and fuel economy Inlet Air Shutoff 4. be flashed with NOV95 software because the original personality module Replaces 367-3048,380-5958,3849574,397-5097,419-6678, C18 EP-60HZ-LOW-E 314-5421 MAY07 Flash Part No. ************** 3126E HEP Flash File Reference ***************** REPLACED 177-5376,222-9244, 631E/3408E (1AB1640 UP) 239-4152 68 APR03 From 186-3141 to 199-1174: 2. Aluminum pistons (was 170-8183), 410 HP 1450/1550 5EK67193 & UP 186-9904 368 DEC99 Replaced 251-7420,260-1450,273-3788, II.V 8TC10981 Up 400 CARB 105 0R6661-00 October 20,1997 205-6973 37 REPLACED 208-5766, 450 HP 1550/1650 LB-FT 2100 RPM 6NZ54000-UP 215-7383 129 JAN02 5. C7S0001-up Date Code Interlock Flash File 223 HP 2000 385 HP 2100 442-8691 76 DEC12 500kVA Certified 153-1054 153-1056 153-1055 153-1057 2 latest 185-3602 185-3603 Corrected for condition to allow system reporting. MULTITORQUE/ (OWS) OIL WELL SERVICE 500 @ 2100 RPM 86 dropping to low idle. Flash Part No. 271-2966,283-5139,291-2095. Version *C-15 (14.6L) * Multi-torque 106-9184 personality module available. 1333HP@1800RPM, ************************************************************************** 60 HZ, 1800 RPM, CONTINUOUS/PRIME/STANDBY, EMISSIONS 266-2751 9 FOR USE WITH NEW STYLE INJECTORS (198-4752) 158hp @ 2000 rpm parts service only 2Pump Flow Simultaneous Operation Improvement Replaced 248-7457,251-7442, A new Coolant Warning Engine Load Enable Threshold parameter has been added to support this feature. Replaced 262-8056,273-3889, C18 ACERT PM200 575 HP/1900 RPM 305-5543 66 NOV06 Flash Part No. 307HP@1900RPM Change exhaust temp from level 1 warning to level 3 warning Replaced N/A, C15 ACERT 980H 353-2737 1 APR10 If the switch wiring is not 4. reaches 100% the next message in UPS View will be Code update: updating flash. When the progress bar A new Coolant Warning Engine Load Enable Threshold parameter has been added to support this feature. FLASH P/M RELEASE Flash Part No. 1880 RPM, LIGHT WEIGHT, D RATING, IMO CERT 275 HP @ 2200 7AS 1 and up 246-8238 308 NOV03 Since the flash process erases the file from the personality module before 323HP@2100RPM latest 206-8754 206-8755 4, **************************************************************************